S4 (ANDARINE) 25mg 90tabs


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Product Description

The SARM Andarine S-4 is believed to treat muscle wasting, hypertrophy, and osteoporosis in every patient. For cutting stack, the user must take 25-50mg daily with andarine to provide endurance, lose extra fats, and build muscles. For bulking, the user should take 20-25 mg per day with andarine for 8 weeks to see better results.  It is a predecessor to S-23 and it’s extremely anabolic.  It is comparable to the likes of winstrol and anavar.

  • Description: A 1st gen SARM. Very anabolic. Moderate metabolic improvements. Tried-and-true.
  • Known for: Increasing muscle mass, bulking, some fat loss
  • Commonly stacked with: Typical bulking stack: S-4, YK-11, MK-677 | optional: MK-2866
  • Side-effects: Testosterone suppression with prolonged use; temporary blurry or “yellow tint” vision in some users


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