Dosage | 100 mg/ml |
Total amount | 10 ml vial |
Component | Nandrolone Phenylpropionate |
NandroRapid is indicated for treatment of anemia’s, breast carcinoma, hereditary angioedema, antithrombin III deficiency, fibrinogen excess, growth failure and Turner’s syndrome and prophylaxis of hereditary angioedema.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is the lesser known and less popular phenylpropionate ester version of nandrolone. First off its important to understand the difference between what we know as ‘deca’ and what we know as “NPP”. To put it in simple terms the difference is simply the ester. NPP has the shorter ester while deca durabolin version of nandrolone has the longer ‘deca’ ester. Many lifters have no clue they can use the compound they love so much in a shorter ester. The only disadvantage would be the amount of injections, the shorter ester would have to be injected every other day or every 3 days at the most, while the long ‘deca’ ester can be injected once or twice a week. However the advantages are there which I will discuss as we go along.
The main reason Nandrolone Phenylpropionate never became as popular as the deca ester is because of the availability and the small amount of amount per ml in the pharm grade version. Deca Durabolin meanwhile came in 200mg per ml so really guys found it much easier to inject 200mg twice a week using just 1ml per injection. Now with the growth of underground labs this issue has disappeared and now you can get NPP in all kinds of mg/ml ratios.
To understand the other advantages of using Nandrolone Phenylpropionate we must then understand half lives and what they mean. To put it in simple terms NPP will be quicker to build up to peak levels in the body and will be quicker once you stop injecting to filter out of the body. Deca meanwhile because of the extremely long ester will take much longer to build up and worst of all takes longer to trickle out of the body, this will cause a much longer recovery for those of you who cycle. So deca is a poor choice if you like to keep cycles under 10 weeks and want to run multiple cycles per year, and NPP is a realistic option. Deca Durabolin will take about 6 weeks to clear out of your body and is also detectable for up to 18 months! NPP meanwhile will clear out much faster, I would guestimate about 2-3 weeks at the most where the body can begin recovery. This 3-4 week difference is major when dealing with nandrolones.
Another slight disadvantage with NPP is some users will say the injections can be more painful then the much smoother deca injection. However I can assure you it is nothing as bad as prop.
Now that we understand the difference between the two nandrolones lets take a look at the compound as a whole. First off, nandrolone is used to treat anemia so logic says it will be very good at raising RBC count which helps delivery of oxygen to muscles.. Its not a tremendous amount but it does the job. Also there is aromatization, so an AI is recommended of course. Nandrolone will aromatize about half as much as testosterone so you can see how deca got so popular with the old school crowd. Since they didn’t have AI’s back then they would use deca over testosterone or dbol (dianabol) to lessen their water weight. Many older lifters at your gym still juice today and have no clue what an AI even means, just ask them, and ask them their favorite steroid and they will likely say deca. Well that’s the reason!
Today in the medical community this compound is used to help HIV/AIDS patients to prevent muscle wasting, however it would be more practical to use the longer ester in this case. Also based on that we can assume that nandrolone is excellent as a immune system support compound and in my personal experience I can confirm this as being true. Another medical advantage is the ability to improve collagen synthesis, so that is why some guys use it to help with joint pain. I am not a proponent of doing this as it can end up backfiring long term.
Nandrolone isn’t very androgenic and is slightly more anabolic than testosterone. Unlike what many believe, nandrolone is a mild steroid with low side effects. I believe people make the mistake of stacking with too much testosterone which leads to very high aromatization and water weight gain which brings on sides and possible gynecomastia.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate makes a great stack with other short esters in an under 10 week cycle. A good cycle for bulking would be the classic NPP and test prop cycle. NPP at 300mg per week for 10 weeks, test prop at 300mg per week for 10 weeks. Notice I did not include an oral to kickstart the cycle as its not necessary with these short acting esters. Don’t forget also to use an aromatase inhibitor (AI).
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