Tri Testosterone Lite 350mg/ml


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Dosage 350mg/ml
Total amount 10ml vial
Component 200mg of Testosterone Enanthate, 100mg of Testosterone Cypionate, and 50mg of Testosterone Propionate


Product Overview

Tri Testosterone Lite 350mg/ml mixes the power of three Testosterone esters to create a potent blend for users and bodybuilders. This blend – which consists of 200mg of Testosterone Enanthate, 100mg of Testosterone Cypionate, and 50mg of Testosterone Propionate – is well suited to enhance strength and increase body mass.

How it works

Tri Testosterone Lite 350mg/ml is best recommended for those who fall short in terms of producing testosterone in their body. This needed boost makes the user sexually active and good in bed.

Tri Testosterone Lite 350mg/ml also helps in effectively increasing muscle mass. It should be noted, however, that concentrations differ in women and in men. Furthermore, concentrations among men will also vary, depending on their ages.

Proper Use and Dosage

Tri Testosterone Lite 350mg/ml is injected weekly, but can be stretched to 10 days.

Bodybuilding and powerlifting dosages range from 350 to 1000 mg per day. Since such high doses aren’t encouraged and aren’t taken, the rule is 350-1000 mg/week. 500 mg/week is plenty for most, and can be lowered to 350 mg/week with an oral steroid.


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